Restylane®, Juvederm®, Artefill® dermal fillers


Restylane is a cosmetic dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that already exists in the human body. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane is a crystal-clear gel called NASHA™ or Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid. NASHA is completely biocompatible with human hyaluronic acid. Restylane maintains its shape using the body’s own moisture. Restylane is hydrophilic or “water loving.”

After your treatment, you might have some redness or swelling. This will normally last less than seven days. Sunbathing and cold outdoor activities should be avoided until any redness or swelling disappears. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18, you shouldn’t use Restylane.

Clinical Applications

  • Lips
  • Smile lines
  • Furrows left after BOTOX onset

Post-Treatment Checklist for Restylane

After your treatment, you might have some redness and swelling. This will normally last less than seven days. A cold compress may be used immediately after treatment to reduce swelling. If the inconvenience continues beyond seven days or other reaction or side effects occur, please contact Dr. Rowland.

Avoid touching the treated area within six hours following treatment. After that, the area can be gently washed.

Sunbathing and cold outdoor activities should be avoided until any redness or swelling disappears.

If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that the needle punctures could contribute to a recurrence. Speak to Dr. Cockerham about medications that may minimize a recurrence.

Avoid exercise and alcohol for six hours after treatment.

Radiesse® Dermal Filler

Radiesse is a safe, next-generation cosmetic dermal filler that lasts longer than the former leading filler. It sets a new standard for the correction of facial lines and wrinkles, restoring a natural, youthful look in an easy, convenient treatment. Numerous medical studies have shown that Radiesse is a safe, longer-lasting treatment to fill and correct smile lines, Nasolabial Folds and wrinkles around the nose and mouth.

The results of a Radiesse treatment are immediate, and it typically lasts a year or more, much longer than the former leading filler, saving you time and money. Since results may vary, be sure to discuss your expectations with Dr. Rowland.

Radiesse is made of unique calcium-based microspheres that are suspended in a natural gel that is injected into the skin through a simple, safe and minimally invasive procedure.

What to expect? Radiesse Injection

  • Local numbing medication may be used to maximize your comfort during the procedure. Most patients report a mild discomfort typically associated with needle injections
  • You may experience a mild to moderate amount of stinging or aching sensation post injection
  • To ensure even correction Dr. Rowland will massage the area treated, which may cause a temporary, minimal to moderate amount of redness to your skin
  • Bruising at the site of injection is a commonly reported side effect. To minimize bruising, inform your Dr. Rowland if you use blood thinners such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or herbal preparations prior to your procedure
  • Temporary minimal to moderate swelling can be expected, which should dissipate following the injection. Some patients report dramatic reduction in swelling hours after their treatment

It is normal to experience some tenderness at the treatment site for a few days


What is Artefill?

Artefill®. The Lasting Solution for Wrinkle Correction

Artefill is the first and only microsphere-enhanced collagen filler for the correction of nasolabial folds, or the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth.

If you’ve used temporary dermal fillers in the past, then you know they are eventually absorbed by your body and require frequent repeat injections to maintain the results you’ve come to love.

Artefill is different. The unique microspheres contained within Artefill are not absorbed by the body, providing the support structure your skin needs for smooth, natural results. If you are looking for a long-lasting filler that you can have confidence in, then Artefill may be right for you.

How does Artefill work?

Artefill is a dual-acting wrinkle filler. Once it’s injected into the deep portion of the skin under the wrinkle, the collagen in Artefill visibly corrects the wrinkle. Over time the collagen is absorbed by the body but the microspheres remain intact providing the support your skin needs for long-lasting, natural feeling wrinkle correction.

This safe, in-office procedure takes a just a few minutes to administer. You will receive an

anesthetic to lessen the pain from the procedure and with proper placement you won’t feel a thing and can return to your normal daily activities. The results are immediate and will improve over time.

Why Artefill?

If you love the wrinkle correction you get from temporary fillers but are tired of retuning for repeat treatments, then Artefill may be the ideal solution for you.

Artefill is the only soft tissue filler product on the market designed to last. Thousands of patients in the U.S. have been successfully treated with Artefill and those numbers continue to increase. Artefill is also one of the only products to report a patient satisfaction rating over 90% during its pivotal clinical trial.