As we age, the eyebrows can descend below their more youthful position. In some cases, the lowered eyebrows can impair your vision, or make it difficult to open the eyes.
- A chemical brow lift, produced by Botox or Dysport, can correct some forms of droopy brows. Dr. Rowland will relax the muscles that cause the brow droop allowing your brows to elevate. However, not all cases of brow droop can be corrected with Botox or Dysport.
- Surgical brow lifts can be used to elevate the brow, reduce excess upper eyelid skin, and decrease the appearance of forehead wrinkles. There are several techniques for surgical brow lifts.
- The traditional brow lift, the coronal brow lift, makes an incision in the scalp behind the hairline and removes the part of skin with hair to lift the entire forehead and eyebrows. The disadvantages include the creation of a higher forehead and a visible scar.
- The newer type of brow lift, the endoscopic brow lift, makes small incisions at the hairline, and inserting a camera (the endoscope) into the incisions allows Dr. Rowland to elevate the forehead and eyebrow in a minimally invasive way.
- Direct brow lifts involve the removal of skin right above the eyebrows, with the incision hidden in the eyebrows. This type of brow lift is particularly useful in men with thick eyebrows, but do not want the expense of the endoscopic brow lift.